Papanca: It is a Pali word that refers to mental or conceptual elaboration, the web of thoughts and concepts that form our sense of reality.
Papanca: It is a Pali word that refers to mental or conceptual elaboration, the web of thoughts and concepts that form our sense of reality.
Losing someone you have shared a life with can be devastating. After a divorce, separation or the death of a partner, it is understandable to feel overwhelmed and confused about what comes next. Luckily, today’s world offers various online platforms which allow us to meet… Read More »Dating after Loss in the World of Online Platforms
STOP SETTING GOALS that add to your personal stress load! Every year millions of people make resolutions and set goals, but to what effect? Certainly, having and working toward realistic goals can promote productivity, but goals can be stressful and they can generate feelings of… Read More »Compassionate Goal Setting in 2023
The major December holidays are behind us. Now you can breathe, right? Unless you need to clean up piles of packaging from presents, clean the house after having guests, wash endless loads of laundry…oh and plan for New Year’s Eve, right? Sometimes we’re so focused… Read More »Managing Post-Holiday Stress
By Dr. Catherine Reynolds “I can’t function without him.” Does this sound like you or someone you know? If so, I TOTALLY get it. Think about it like this, when you were a child, you were completely reliant upon your caregiver for survival. You needed… Read More »Your partner should compliment you, not complete you.
Too many people are suffering in silence. We are in crisis. Is anyone paying attention? I have prepared myself professionally to be able to reach out to others offering encouragement, hope, possible solutions and remedies–lofting a life raft so to speak. Unfortunately, many people hesitate… Read More »We All Need Somebody To Lean On
By Dr. Erika Kappes Nutritional Psychiatry is one of the newest branches of psychiatry, focusing on how nutrition andfood choices impact our brains and moods. Drs. Drew Ramsay and Uma Naidoo are leaders inthis field, both focusing on nutrition in their treatment of patients. Why… Read More »Food & Your Mood (part 1)
By Dr. Chrystyl Tutt Back-to-school jitters are normal every fall, but as families prepare for the beginning of the2021-2022 school year, these typical worries are colliding with fresh uncertainties about theongoing COVID-19 pandemic, leaving children and parents more anxious than usual. Returningto school as the… Read More »Coping with Back-to-School Anxiety During COVID
We are watching the developing situation carefully and making the best decisions we can to keep our clients and staff safe. We hoped to return to in-person sessions soon, but developments related to the Delta variant have caused us to reassess our timeline. Please know… Read More »Covid-19 Update: Keeping you safe
As we teeter on a fence, on one side tightening restrictions and on the other things loosening and a push to “go back to normal,” many people are feeling increased anxiety and, with it, increased confusion about how to cope and how they “should“ feel.